Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Beautiful Day!

No, not the U2 song, but the weather here...

Last night's wind has dropped, and it's bright and chilly, with fluffy white clouds in a pale blue sky. Just the day for - well, just about anything really - but especially for walking down the road to drop in a church welcome pack to whoever it is has moved into that newly built bungalow.

Figgy is having a lazy day, but Lulu has been out chasing leaves, and hiding under the Choisya bush near the back fence, and looking at the bird feeders wondering why there are no birds there - like they'd come to feed with a slightly fat white & ginger cat standing looking up at them ;-)

Really neat thing earlier on this morning - I was just on my way out to church when a delivery man stopped me, and asked if I could take in a parcel, as the young couple next door but two were out. Later, Jody called in for her (heavy, bulky) parcel, and I was able to carry it home for her, and say hallo to her big rough-coated terrier sort of dog. We've hardly exchanged a word since they moved in a couple of years ago - they work all hours, for one thing - so it was nice to be able to say 'hi' in a useful kind of a way...

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