Friday, April 11, 2008


Whatever one may think of the value of communal celebration with all kinds of song and self-expression - and these certainly have their place - the kind of prayer we here speak of as properly 'monastic' (though it may also fit into the life of any lay person who is attracted to it) is a prayer of silence, simplicity, contemplative and meditative unity, a deep personal integration in an attentive, watchful listening of 'the heart.' The response such prayer calls forth is not usually one of jubilation or audible witness: it is a wordless and total surrender of the heart of silence.

Thomas Merton, Contemplative Prayer pp. 29-30, with thanks to louie, louie

It has taken me a long time, perhaps, to come to understand that this is so utterly true of me, coloured as my own self-perception has been with self-doubt, distrust perhaps of my own insight. I guess that it must be from God, since this admission has only come about since this Easter brought some kind of surrender, some occupying of a new, thin place of awareness of my complete dependence on Christ.


St Edwards Blog said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Mike, Sorry you had trouble accessing the sermon over on my site. If you email me I'll email it to you. Lmcmillan9 at austin dot rr dot com.

Loved the prayer is a thumb print post, btw.
