Sunday, November 11, 2007

Roman Reflections, Part III - Et tu?

Here is one of my personal favourites, Jennifer F, who has one of the most striking blog page designs I've seen anywhere. She has a two part Conversion Story link in her sidebar, where she explains how it was that a self-confessed atheist (and scientist) came to find herself reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and thinking, "This was truth. I knew it. I'd finally found it. It described God, our relationship to him, the Bible, Jesus, moral truths -- the entire human experience - in a way that resonated on a deep level."

Read Jennifer's two introductory posts,

"Et tu?": On having proof

"Et tu?": Why I'm Catholic

and then her fascinating "Blogging through Conversion" section, starting here:

"Et tu?": Background