Thursday, May 08, 2008

Julian of Norwich, contemplative, mystic, counsellor, theologian

Wonderful and glorious is the place where the Lord lives. And so it is his will that we turn quickly at his gracious touch, rejoicing more in his entire love that sorrowing over our frequent falling.

For it is the greatest worship we can give him, that we should live gladly and merrily because of his love while we are here in penance. For he looks on us so tenderly that he sees all our living as penance. For the natural longing we have for him is an everlasting penance to us - and he mercifully helps us bear it.

For his love makes him long for us, and his wisdom and truth, with his rightfulness, make him allow us to be here. And he wills that we see it like this.

For this penance is natural to us, and is the highest - as I see it. For this penance never leaves us until the time we are fulfilled and have him as our reward.

Julian of Norwich, Showings (Long Text) Chapter 81 Tr. Sheila Upjohn

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How beautiful. I am definitely going to have to find this translation. Time for me to re-read Julian anyway.