Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Becoming a Peacemaker...

What if God were to speak to us now; to give us a fresh look at what's real, true, and the core of our world? Might God say, "Be just, be kind, care, share, give, take, love, laugh, cry, feel the pain, and dance in the time of joy"? And what would we hear? Would it be what we want to hear, or what was said? Could we each hear in our own way? Must we all be of the same mind? Must the one who hears at twelve feet fight with the one who hears at twelve yards? Will the black one and the white one and the child of the land all know God in the same way? And if not, will they then fight?

What if God said, "I grant you a gift: a world full of peace, health, and food for all. I give you a time, now, when each may sit by his vine and by her fig tree and none will cause you fear"? Would we heed the words? If God came to each of us in a dream, would we hold the dream in our hearts and souls, or would we cast it off as just a dream? What would it take to look deep with in, where we live and know truth, and there to find the one God, who cries for us and waits and hopes and says, "I am here. Do not fear. Live, love, talk, and walk hand in hand with me. Let no child learn war anymore, but let each bring what is right and just in his home and in her land!"

Rabbi Albert M Lewis, Director of the Emeritus College at Aquinas, Grand Rapids, Michigan - courtesy of the Henri Nouwen Society
(Note: Rabbi Lewis has written this reflection using only one-syllable words. It is an old discipline, intended to be simple without being simplistic)


St Edwards Blog said...

Would we heed the words?

Now there is the question.

Brilliant post Mike - as always.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

I think perhaps we have trouble accepting different ways of hearing because we're afraid that if "their way" is right, ours might be wrong.

When will we learn that God is infinite and will not accept our rules for how he must act?

Good post. And I loved the one-syllable discipline.