Wednesday, December 19, 2007

In the fullness of time II

At some moments we experience complete unity within us and around us. This may happen when we stand on a mountaintop and are captivated by the view. It may happen when we witness the birth of a child or the death of a friend. It may happen when we have an intimate conversation or a family meal. It may happen in church during a service or in a quiet room during prayer. But whenever and however it happens we say to ourselves: "This is it ... everything fits ... all I ever hoped for is here."

This is the experience that Peter, James, and John had on the top of Mount Tabor when they saw the aspect of Jesus' face change and his clothing become sparkling white. They wanted that moment to last forever (see Luke 9:28-36). This is the experience of the fullness of time. These moments are given to us so that we can remember them when God seems far away and everything appears empty and useless. These experiences are true moments of grace.

(With thanks to the Henri Nouwen Society)


Episcopollyanna said...

Mike, thank you for linking to my blog. I've had so many wonderful visitors lately. :)

I have a blessing for you on my blog. God bless!

Mike Farley said...

Thank you so much, Lisa! (It is Lisa, isn't it? Forgive me if I've got that wrong.)

Now I shall consider whom to pass it on to - a weighty responsibility...