Saturday, December 01, 2007

Advent is a time of standing still...

Advent is a time of standing still and yet making a pilgrimage. It is an inner pilgrimage, a pilgrimage in which we don’t use our feet. We stand still; yet in a manner of speaking, we walk a thousand miles across the world - just because we choose to stand still. So, then, let us enter, you and I, into the pilgrimage that doesn’t take us from home. For ours is a pilgrimage of the spirit, which is a thousand times harder than a journey of the feet. Let us arise and go.

Catherine Doherty, from Donkey Bells (Madonna House)

(hat-tip to Gabrielle for her beautiful post quoting this passage)

1 comment:

Jan said...

I listened to Rev. Mary Earle speak on the desert mothers and fathers today. She talked about this same thing--how the INNER JOURNEY is what is important and what shapes the OUTER.