Saturday, September 26, 2009

It is not your own life…

To live [in cooperation with God] is to live inside of an unexplainable hope, because your life will now feel much larger than your own. In fact, it is not your own life, and yet, paradoxically, you are more “you” than ever before.

That is the constant and consistent experience of the mystics—their vision that can also be your own. “God, you were here all along, and I never knew it” (Genesis 28:16).

Richard Rohr, The Naked Now, p.24

I have been in a slightly strange place these past days, working through what this call to the Franciscan life could possibly mean for me in practical terms. I suppose these words of Rohr’s come closer to expressing what I’ve been feeling than anything else. Paradoxically, perhaps, as the call to prayer and to silence becomes stronger, so does my commitment to this parish, to the life of Christ in the church in all its day-to-day presence: Emmanuel, God with us…

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