Saturday, February 16, 2008

What breathing is for...

In solitude, at last we're able to let the Lord define us the way we are always supposed to be defined: by relationship, the I-thou relationship, in relation to a Presence that demands nothing of us but presence. If we've never lived in the realm of pure presence without our world of achieving, we don't know how to breathe there at first. And that's precisely why the Lord has to breathe through us. The Lord has to be our life, the Lord has to be our identity. At last, we allow ourselves to be defined by relationship instead of by the good - even the holy - things we've done.

Richard Rohr, from Letting Go: A Spirituality of Subtractions

Perhaps this explains the sometimes almost physical hunger I have for solitude sometimes. I have often thought that for me the worst thing would be to be denied solitude, to have to live a life perpetually lacking that balm and refuge. Breathing the air of "pure presence," I somehow know what breathing is for...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I know that hunger, too!

Another great quote. I especially like the part about God breathing through us. I am preparing a little post that echoes this idea.