Thursday, February 07, 2008

A little practice for death...

A beautiful meditation from Sr. Catherine Grace, at the Community of the Holy Spirit, contains this extraordinary passage:

...the weather had transformed from the gray chill of winter to the glory of late spring. That is how I hope my own death will be - the time when I know more certainly that my death will come soon will be a Lenten time, but the death itself will open into a glorious, fecund awareness of the One God-ness that permeates absolutely everything.

Every Lent, then, becomes a little practice for death, every Easter a murmur of the vast futurescape ahead that teems with possibility. Whether we consider ourselves religious or not, this time of year begs us to attend carefully to the slowly changing season. Soon, soon we will each emerge into the glory of a mysterious future.

I wish you all great stillness in the cave-days ahead. Slip between the moments of your own days, attentive to the wisdom that dwells in time-outside-of-time.

Ash Wednesday musing « Grace-full Thoughts


June Butler said...

Mike, the words are lovely - very fitting for the season. Thanks for passing them on.

Mike Farley said...

Thanks Mimi - good to hear from you!

Jane R said...

Thank you, Mike, that was beautiful. Sobering words in a good sobering way.

I'm grateful this Lent for the company of cyberfriends like you as well as for the company of my church friends locally.

Mike Farley said...

Thank you, Jane.

Like you, for me this Lent seems to be about both desert and community.

At our TSSF Area Chapter on Saturday, I had never felt more part of the Franciscan community, more sure of that vocation. And it's the same with our own home church. And with you and Mimi and Kelly and this whole community that exists within the blogosphere. Pilgrims together, perhaps. I too am very grateful!