Saturday, August 09, 2008


I know I've probably written this kind of thing before, but I feel the urge for a change coming on. I have grown comfortable with the routine of posting a quotation from Richard Rohr, Henri Nouwen, et al., and then commenting, briefly or otherwise; or at least using the passage as a jumping-off point for my own thoughts. This isn't intentionally dishonest, but it does enlist my subject as a kind of human shield against uncomfortably close involvement with what's actually going on with me.

I don't propose to adopt an approach that's simply not like me. If you met me in person, you'd find I don't talk a great deal about shoes, or shopping, or sport. Not that I've anything against such things; I just don't spend much time engaging with them... What I am going to try to do is write more directly about what I'm actually thinking about, what's keeping me awake sometimes.

All this may mean somewhat more sporadic posts, or it may not. Bear with me, though, while I try and make this blog a little more worthwhile, if sometimes rather less easy to read!


Barbara said...

I'll check in to see how that goes. Your usual format is much the same as mine. I shy away from exposing too much of myself.

St Edwards Blog said...

We are all on a journey Mike and only you can know where yours will lead you.

I too often use those same items as jumping off points for many reasons.

Please know that I walk with you in prayer and fidelity as you find your way here.

Whether frequently published or not, long or short or whatever, I have come to really be very grateful for your presence.

Pax my brother.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Go wherever the Spirit leads you.

Tausign said...

I've been guilty of letting inspiring thoughts just slip through my fingers without taking them in sufficiently. That's why I took up blogging in the first place. I actually write for myself in the sense that I want to spend time in reflection. Having a blog with a few readers forces me to be more considered in my thinking and expression. I have an idealized lenght of 750-900 words so as not to drag my reader around.

So I favor writing (and reading others) less frequently but with more development. I'm willing to spend several hours per post. I make a goal of 2-3 per month to keep me on track but sometimes they flow more easily. I actually write for myself in the sense that I want to spend time in reflection.

Like you I don't like to speak of myself directly but more on a spiritual matter in general. I feel you have plenty to say that's worthwhile if you spend more time with it. Nothing wrong with using other writers occassionally as a springboard.