Friday, June 01, 2007

Late as usual...

I've just read a really wonderful post, a homily by Jane Redmont, over at Acts of Hope, on the Visitation.

"Remember what Mary says in this Gospel: God is doing mighty things for lowly people. A woman will be called blessed forever, though she lives in a world where men rule. The mighty are deposed from their thrones. The poor and the hungry are not just satisfied, they are heard and remembered.

I think this woman is talking about a revolution."

Yes! Oh thank you Jane! No one I've read has put it quite so well...


Jane R said...

How very kind of you! Glad the homily (twenty years old as it is) found some resonance with you, and that I dug it up for this year's Visitation. (As you saw, it was originally a homily for 4 Advent.)

I look forward to reading your blog. Thank you so much for visiting mine. Peace to you.

Mike Farley said...

Thank you Jane... Most good to meet you!
