Saturday, June 10, 2006

Sunshine and things...

Listening to Clannad, to Maire Brennan's extraordinary voice, that is more joyful and more tragic than anyone's I know. Suddenly wanting to be in Ireland again. There are bits of me that belong to that beautiful broken land and that are never quite whole unless I'm there. But I've never seriously considered moving there, somehow. Odd creature I am, I think...

I am going to have to do something about this growing obsession with soundscapes - strange thing for a guitarist to get into, unless they happen, like Steve Hillage, to stumble across their very own Miquette Giraudy! Very hard to do anything in this territory without keyboards...

Dorset is wonderful in the sunshine - there's a clear golden light over everything, and the air is heavy with the scent of flowers, except when a light sea breezes springs up to bring the freshness back. Behind the house the bank of the old chalk-pit rises up in solid wall of green, inhabited by solitary warblers and little families of titmice... God is very good, and, "Ever since the creation of the world his eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things he has made." (Romans 1:20) Not too hard to understand or see on a day like today!


OTRgirl said...

Stopping by via RevGals. I'm in Ireland at the moment. I got to see the cliffs near Kilkee yesterday. You're so right about the light in this area of the globe. And the bigness of God in the midst of his creation.

Mike Farley said...

Good to meet you, OTRgirl...

I really must thank you for the link to Over the Rhine, the band. Wonderful stuff - what a discovery! Karin's voice has that haunting quality I just cannot resist...

Enjoy Ireland! Crazy, beautiful, heartbreaking place - give the turf my love ;-)