Saturday, July 25, 2009

Called to suffer?

Discipleship means allegiance to the suffering Christ, and it is therefore not at all surprising that Christians should be called upon to suffer. In fact it is a joy and a token of his grace. The acts of the early Christian martyrs are full of evidence which shows how Christ transfigures for his own the hour of their mortal agony by granting them the unspeakable assurance of his presence. In the hour of the cruellest torture they bear for his sake, they are made partakers in the perfect joy and bliss of fellowship with him. To bear the cross proves to be the only way of triumphing over suffering. This is true for all who follow Christ, because it was true for him.

From The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, trans. R.H. Fuller (London: SCM Press, 1959) – with thanks to Vicki K Black

Do you think someone might be trying to tell me something?


Barbara said...

We are never given more than we can bear. Peace.

Jamie Arpin-Ricci said...

I just quoted this section of CoD a few weeks ago in a sermon at our Little Flowers Community. Still challenges me. I was looking for an email address for you, as I would love to connect on Franciscan spirituality. Drop me a line!
