Monday, May 18, 2009

Unless you pray…

Someone will be wounded unless you pray.
Someone will give up unless you pray.
Someone will be deceived unless you pray.
Someone will yield to temptation unless you pray.
Someone will make a foolish choice unless you pray.
Someone will grow faint unless you pray.
Someone will collapse under the load unless you pray.
Someone will go AWOL unless you pray.

Dr Ray Pritchard, Asymmetrical Spiritual Warfare, IX

When you wake with the horrors in the cold hours before dawn, could it be God waking you to pray? Could the terrible things running across your imagination be what you need to pray about, to open that part of your heart that is crushed and torn by them to God’s healing touch, and so become a channel of grace through which Christ’s limitless mercy can heal, rescue, protect?

Just sayin’…


Jan said...


Jane R said...

Amen. Very good insight...

Word verification: lockedbr

Jane R said...

P.S. And I meant your insight -- Dr. Pritchard is a little too guilt-trippy. Your words are an invitation!

Sue said...

I'm with Jane. I love your thoughts more than Dr Pritchard's, although I suppose if we stay within some sort of gracefield then perhaps they won't need to be, if it is God asking us to pray.

I am praying for you Mike, along with everyone else here.